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The​ first step in the Patriot Project’s plan to end veteran suicide is to tell everyone that the problem exists. Very few people are aware that each day in this Country twenty two Veterans, on average, will commit suicide.

The Patriot Project raises awareness through its fundraising efforts. Each week the Patriot Project reaches ten of thousands of people through its storefront fundraising at various commercial retail locations. The Patriot Project also raises awareness through its point of sale fundraising campaign and cause marketing. 

Each year the Patriot Project is present at fairs and festivals throughout the Country raising awareness and the Patriot Project is asked to speak at dozens of events each year educating people on how to end veteran suicide.

Ending veteran suicide begins with raising awareness. Veteran suicide will never end unless people are made aware that the problem exists.


       KENNY DEANDREA MINISTRIES, PATRIOT PROJECT USA® , all rights reserved copyright 2024

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